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Saturday 23 April 2011

The women in my life

My grandma, actually my modern grandma, because she does all those things which are not expected from her. Supporting granddaughters in their love affairs, watching cricket match with us and abusing the opposite team are some of them. She always was a working lady. She has worked for 32 years. Then retired. She is the most respected member of my family. She actually runs the entire house, from plumbing work till the important financial decisions in the family. At the age of 70 also, she dances with us, makes fun of grandpa, helps mom, gives advice to dad, only question I have is, where does she get this energy from??

My sweet loving sister, a unique character on her own. Age 16, maturity of age 18 or may be 20. A smart, intelligent, naughty girl. A girl who has her own opinions, her own views and a confidence to stand by them, emotional yet sorted. Sometimes she gives advices to me as well. Favourite of her group, favourite of my family. Watching her smile is priceless. Watching her cry can make you cry. A hyperactive, confident girl who is getting ready for the new challenges of the world. Only question I have is, what is there which gives her the confidence to do all these things??

24 hours on duty. When I was a little I used to think this term is specially developed for my momma. Because I have always seen her working 24 hours. Perfection runs in her blood. Independence is her style. Confidence is her second name. Balanced thinking comes naturally to her. She is an efficient worker in the office, A responsible daughter, sister, an understanding wife, a caring mother, a loving daughter in law. Whenever I talk to her, I feel relaxed. I cannot hide anything from her. She is the support system of the family .the only question I have is how does she manage to play all these roles? How does she manage everything so perfectly, without getting bored?

I think the answer is womanhood. Women are made like that. They can sort out the most difficult problem, they can tackle any situation. The more men underestimate them, stronger they become.  

They say women are the most complicated in the world to understand. They are like a mystery. Yes we are, we are sensitive, confident, understanding, independent, responsible and so complicated. Deep and more meaningful things are difficult to understand right??
-  Ankita

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