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i believe strongly in my dreams. my family, friends bring happiness to my life and complete me.

Tuesday 6 September 2011


The thought hit my mind when I heard bella is getting married with edward and he is going to convert her into a vampire after the wedding. At the age of 18 she is going to be 18 forever.. I mean what a lucky girl.. Twilight fans exactly know what I mean.. Aging is a process that everyone undergoes. Whether you want it or not.. But what if you refuse to grow up?? Or don't show that you are a grown up.. With age you grow up in your thoughts, behavior. You learn how to interact with people, how to maintain your personal and professional relations, how to express your opinions in a most convincing way and everything.. Today its a need of an hour.
But while doing that one should always preserve the innocence and child within. There is always a kid in every grown up person. That kid gives the enthusiasm and spirit to take up new challenges, try new things, make mistakes and learn from them. That kid keeps us alive.. So don't ever let that kid die just because you are a grown up according to social norms. Let your enthusiasm grow with your age and the kid within you remain of a same age..
Ankita :)